The grafting of twice as many grafts with the recipient area with additional density. The construction of three – dimensional canals with the diameter of the root follicle guarantees a better healing of the area and a more firm grip of the grafts.

This is a method where hair follicles are transplanted into channels made with fine needles rather than into slits. The correct angle and density per cm² help in getting a natural look.

No scarring occurs with the percutan method in either the graft or transplant areas and around 40-50 follicles can be transplanted per cm². Hair on the hairline especially grow at an acute angle and transplanting the hair follicles at the correct angles is as important a criterion for success as density. Hair transplanted with the percutan method grows at natural angles.

The correct angles and density increases success.

It is important for us to know what transplant density is required to achieve aesthetically pleasing results. A successful hair transplant uses all of the root grafts. Scientific studies have shown that the same aesthetic look can be had even when 50% of hair in a given area has been lost. It is for this reason different results can be obtained as a person who has hair strands of a normal thickness needs 40-45 follicles per cm² while a person who has thinner hair needs 45-50 follicles per cm². Those who have thicker hair need 35-40 follicles per cm².

If the hairline needs a transplant, a density of 65-70 follicles per cm² will ensure a natural result. In the event not enough follicles are transplanted, a thick, lush and natural result won’t be obtained.

Another factor as important as density is the follicles being transplanted at the correct angles. Each hair has its own natural angle which must be respected during the procedure. Hair transplanted at incorrect angles will create a poor look.

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